FA 50N system

This system allows for designing and building light mulliontransom curtain walls.

FA 50N system is classified as one of the best curtain wall systems available on the market, considering thermal and acoustic insulation, water tightness and wind load resistance.

The great variety of solutions possible within this system provides free shaping of the facade with regard to its geometry and colour scheme. This product has undergone tests in a European test institution.

Advantages of the system

  • allows for creating constructions of various shapes and dimensions, in
    accordance with the architect’s vision,

  • complies with valid standards concerning water tightness, thermal insulation
    and fire resistance,

  • wide variety of masking strips allows for diversified final appearance of curtain

  • possibility of bending profiles,

  • possibility of creating many varieties with diversified parameters,

  • possibility of using photovoltaic cells,

  • thanks to a wide range of solutions included in the system, it is possible to
    freely shape the façade in terms of geometric and colour. The product has also
    been tested in one of the European research institutes,
  • FA 50N system is classified as one of best curtain wall system available on the
    market, considering thermal and acoustic insulation, water tightness and wind
    load resistance.

Technical parameters

Thermal insulation EN 10077-2 Uf = 1,14 ÷ 1,88 W/m²K
Acoustic insulation EN ISO 140-3 Rw = 35 ÷ 53 dB
Air permeability EN 12207 AE 1650
Water tightness EN 12208 RE 2850
Wind load resistance EN 12210 2400 Pa
Anti-theft protection EN 1627 RC2, RC3, RC4
Impact resistance EN 14019 I5, E5

System characteristic

Minimum visible width (view from inside)

50 mm

Minimum visible width (view with outside)

50 mm

Minimum mullion depth

34 mm

Maximum mullion depth

350 mm

Glazing thickness

6 ÷ 64 mm

Glazing method

Glazing with pressure element