28 August, 2016

Family picnic for the 25th anniversary of Yawal S.A.

Championships in volleyball, concert of PIERSI band, awards for employees with longest seniority are just few of the Saturday’s meetings.

Last weekend, on 27th August 2016, in the Training and Recreational Centre STRZELNICA in Kochcice, picnic for the 25th anniversary of our company was organized for all employees and their families.

Many attractions were waiting for participants of our meeting. The youngest were taken by games organized by animators, who were drawing all kinds of designs on their faces, making huge soap bubbles, carried out sport competitions, and presented theatre plays. A large interest was also in blow ups, rope park for children, not to mention snacks, which the adults also liked.

Proponents of extreme sensations could drive quads or go-karts, jump on the line, use to diabolic pendulum and tyrolean, or try themselves on the shooting range.

During the picnic, Yawal Volleyball Championships were held, participated by three teams comprising of our employees: Tradeteam, Office Team, and Production Team. The order of games was decided in drawing carried out by the President of Yawal S.A., Magdalena Jagiełło. After sharp and emotional meetings of the teams, the Office Team and the Tradeteam had to admit the predominance of the Production Team, which won without losing even one set. After the championships, the teams were awarded with medals, and there was a time for photographers too.

The key element of the meeting was awarding the employees with longest seniority. The owner of Yawal S.A, Edmund Mzyk, personally expressed his appreciation for their loyalty, devotion, and many years of cooperation, and then awarded them with memorable statuettes together with the President.

The evenings cumulated with a spectacular concert of PIERSI band, who brought joy and fun to all generation present at the Shooting Range this day, encouraging participants to join the dance and singing. “Balkanica” song, which is well known and liked. The tune reverberated amongst all participants long after the picnic.