20 October, 2016

Gala of the Woodwork Market Leaders 2016

Last Wednesday, on 19th October 2016, in the registered seat of the Polish Craft Association in Warsaw, meeting of the business club Forum 100 was held. The meeting was connected with the gala of the Woodwork Market Leaders 2016 organized by Centrum Analiz Branżowych [the Centre for Industrial Analysis] and the magazine “Forum Branżowe” [“Industry Forum”]. Our company was involved in organization of the event as a substantive partner.

First part of the meeting was focused on presentation of sales results for windows and door in first six-months of this year, as well as forecasts for development of wood joinery for the remaining months of 2016 and for next season. Special guest of the gala was Tomasz Żuchowski, who exercises the position of the Construction Vice-Minister. He announced the review of technical requirements for construction materials for next year, and invited all representatives of window and door industry to cooperate in their development.

Speech of the Vice-Minister was followed by the presentation of representatives of Yawal S.A.: Wojciech Wolnicki (Commercial Director) and Wojciech Kulej (Technical Director), titled: “World Trends in Development of Aluminium Joinery”. The presentation was welcomed with large interests of their listeners. They pointed out the increasing demand on the market for passive, photovoltaic systems, narrow profiles, large dimensions, intelligent solutions, and more and more common designing of individual structures customized to the needs of the investment.

After the coffee break, the meeting organizers started the programme called “Certyfikat Wiarygodności” [Credibility Certificate]. The document is granted by the recognized analytical institution Creditreform based on tests it carries out which prove payment credibility and credit line of the company. First winners of the programme are the following companies: Final S.A., Gerda, and Oknoplast. The certificate for the company from Yawal Group was collected by the President of the Group, Magdalena Jagiełło. Next stage of the meeting was to grant awards for the Woodwork Market Leaders 2016, which was divided into several categories within two groups: manufacturers and suppliers.