19 December, 2017


Magdalena Jagiełło, President of the Management Board of Yawal SA is within 100 women awarded with the prize ‘100 Kobiet Biznesu’ and one of 50 best managing women in the category of companies with above 50 mln turnover annually. The ranking was prepared by “Puls Biznesu”.

Magdalena Jagiełło is one of the leaders of the ranking of the newspaper “Puls Biznesu” for the third time in a row. Also this year, her managerial skills and financial results of the company Final S.A., which belongs to the Group Yawal, have been appreciated. Winners of the 7th edition of the ranking ‘100 Kobiet Biznesu’ collected awards during an official gala held on 13th December in the Teatr Wielki – National Opera in Warsaw.

- It is a huge honour for me to be in this ranking. Not only because there are still not many women that hold the position in management boards of companies in our country. It also proves that women may hold high positions and fulfill professional aspirations in industries that are mainly associated with the men world – comments Magdalena Jagiełło, President of the Management Board of the Group Yawal S.A.


The ranking ‘100 Kobiet Biznesu’ created by “Puls Biznesu” promotes entrepreneurships and competencies of women, as well as their increasing role in management over companies. Participation in this competition was conditioned upon good financial standing of the company, creditworthiness, and appreciation of candidates in business environment. Companies which presented positive dynamics of sales and profit were selected. 100 selected companies, which are 100% managed by women, were divided into two groups according to income for last financial year. First group were companies which in 2016 presented in their financial statement annual income amounting up to PLN 50 mln but above PLN 100 thousand. Second group were corporations and enterprises with annual income above PLN 50 mln.