4 September, 2017

Presentation of YAWAL SA during 2nd International Woodwork Forum

During the last week of summer, on 30th – 31st August 2017, in the Hotel 500 located at the Zegrzyński Lake, 2nd International Woodwork Forum was held, organized by Stolarka VIP. Yawal S.A., as partner of the event, made a presentation, and representatives of our company were also at the disposal of the conference participants.

The theme of the meeting was: „Aluminium and glass in small and large architecture”. Who knows more if not Yawal about aluminium fixtures? Strategic partner of this year edition was company Roto Frank, which is connected with the programme Oknaaluminiowe.pl, and which celebrates  its 25th anniversary this year.

Yawal was represented at the Forum by Wojciech Wolnicki (Commercial Director) and Wojciech Kulej (Technical Director). They made a presentation focusing on the following topics:
- most common assembly mistakes in aluminium fixtures,
- proper execution of warm assembly,
- challenges when designing facades,
- multistage cooperation model preferred and offered to clients by Yawal, composed of: joint development of fixtures design at the stage of architectonic design, determination of construction requirements and selection of adequate aluminium profiles, development of price estimates, tests, and joint execution of investment.
- Last topic discussed during presentation of our representatives was large impact of the programme Oknaaluminiowe.pl on the increase of popularity of aluminium solutions among individual investors.

Speech of Yawal S.A. Directors was received positively by the Forum participants due to interesting topic, and innovative form.