9 October, 2017

Swedish Standard Certificate for Yawal S.A.!

Last Thursday, on 28th September 2017, "Swedish Standard" certificate awarding ceremony took place, which was held within the frameworks of the programme supporting Polish export carried-out under the auspices of the Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden in Katowice.

"Swedish Standard" certificate granted to Yawal S.A. is very important due to actions aimed at expanding the presence of our company on European markets. "Swedish Standard" label is known and recognized as proving quality and implementing best management, safety at work, and goods and services quality standards, as well as high payment morality and business ethic.

To obtain this certificate, Yawal S.A. had to successfully complete certification procedure composed of external audit, which verifies operations of the company in compliance with requirements of the certification rules. "Swedish Standard" Certificate is granted by the Committee composed of representatives of the Consulate of the Kingdom of Sweden in Katowice, Katowice School of Technology, Science and “Silesia” Technology Park in Katowice.