W dniu 30.04.2024 roku ukazała się aktualizacja programu Yawal Constructor.

W jej ramach wprowadzono zmiany:
  1. New, lower prices have been introduced.
  2. Length of the glazing profiles in angular monorail solution for DP 180 Primeview system has been changed.
  3. The selection of handles for passive leaf for anti-panic fittings has been verified.
  4. The selection of ceramic gaskets in TM 75EI has been verified.
  5. A crossbar fo rthe door leaf made of window profiles in PBI 50N system has been added.
  6. Method of sealing, selecion of materials and length of profiles in Moreview system have been verified.
  7. Dobule-leaf window/door soluction in Steelview system has been temporarily blocked.
  8. Multiple cross-sections of constructions have been improved.
  9. Reports from zgloszenia@yawal.com has been verified.

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