23 Októberig, 2020

Yawal supports manufacturers in production automation

Automation of the production process is one of the most important activities currently undertaken by woodwork manufacturers. Properly selected, comprehensive and at the same time easy to use saw management and CNC software can increase productivity and shorten working time of machines up to 70%. This type of software is provided by Unilink Poland Sp. z o.o. recommended by Yawal.

Every manufacturer with a processing center who is interested in production automation gains support from Yawal's representatives in contacting the UNI_LINK supplier and then configuring the software directly in his production plant. For the whole process of installation and implementation a maximum of three days is needed, after which it is possible to start production without having to get up from behind the desk. UNI_LINK retrieves orders from customers from the software and generates a list of saw cuts and a set of machining for any CNC machine tool. An undeniable advantage of this program is, among other things, its compatibility with each machine and the possibility of adapting it to the individual needs of the manufacturer. UNI_LINK allows you to create a library of macros without any problems, easily replace complex processing and import data from virtually any design program. The selection of UNI_LINK does not cause the necessity of resigning from the previously used calculation and construction software. The introduction of the WYSIWYG 3D visualization (what you see is what you get) significantly reduces errors and associated costs.

Yawal provides its business partners with a virtually complete processing base for the hardware and accessories found in all system providers, including the processing base for the innovative Moreview system. After the implementation of the software and its configuration Yawal and UNI_LINK provide technical support services and update the database provided to the manufacturer. 

said Łukasz Kucharczyk, Sales Director of Yawal S.A.